Have you planned you exchange?

Aalto University
Created 2023-03-28T14:16:03.248Z


Kaledonistit is an association that organizes trainee exchanges between universities in the capital region and the University of Toronto Hart House. The exchange program was started by the University of Technology's student union. Still, the other universities within Aalto University are included in the exchange, as well as students from both the University of Helsinki and the Swedish School of Economics. The exchange takes place in four-year cycles. First, about eight Finnish students spend the summer in Toronto as guests of Canadian students. Two years later, the Finns host an equally large group of Canadians in the Capital Region. Two years after this, a new Finnish delegation is then elected. The exchange in Canada has traditionally included a two-week tour of Canada. After the trip, an approximately two-month internship period in a Canadian company begins. During the summer, members of the delegation will become thoroughly familiar with the Canadian lifestyle, culture, sports, and business life. Come to the Kaledonistit website and learn more!

Contant Information

Website: https://www.kaledonistit.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaledonistit Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkaledonistit%2F